Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Reading response

Vocabulary: practice book page 204

Spelling: practice book page 202

RC quiz #7 due today: only one due in December. It is the perfect month to catch up if you are alittle behind!

Veteran's items due tomorrow. We have an assembly to present the items tomorrow before our early out.

Sport items for our donation basket due Thursday.

Book orders due next Tuesday. Online ordering information is available on a note I sent home today.

Monday, November 29, 2010


This week, all classes will be taught by Mrs. Smidt. I will be in and out of the room checking on things!

Reading response is the only assignment for tomorrow. New spelling and vocabulary words have been posted on the wiki. I also posted some links to a practice game for the vocab words. Try it out! Spelling test will be Friday and Vocab will be Monday.

Last call for donations.... Veteran's donation and Kate's sports basket donations are both due on Wednesday. Thank you very much to those of you who have already donated!

Monday, November 22, 2010


Writing: write an essay from the point of view of a turkey at Thanksgiving. Convince people to eat something OTHER than turkey for dinner. There is no length limit, just tell the story. We will be sharing these tomorrow.

Grammar: Finish the cut and paste activity (plural nouns)
Worksheet 15

Reading: reading response

No new spelling/vocab words this week!

Sunday, November 21, 2010


SHORT week!

Reading: We will be taking the end of theme test on Monday and Tuesday. It is a long one, and I like to separate it into 2 days so the kids do their best. Also, that leaves me the long break to correct 55 (8 page) papers. Assignments due Monday for reading: reader's response, read 15, and main idea worksheet.

Vocabulary: Dictionary "turkey" worksheet due Monday.

Spelling: retake of Thursday's spelling test for those who didn't do so hot!

Grammar: The kids started a cut and paste activity dealing with plural nouns. They will finish that on Monday, it is NOT due when class begins.

Technology: We spent some time in the lab on Friday working on Home Row keys. There are practice web sites that they can access through the wiki page. They will be assessed in a couple of weeks on typing without peeking on the home row keys. They will also have to write them in on a blank keyboard.

Veteran's collection: Thank you all very much for all of the terrific items that you sent in for our veteran's drive. We collected 2 boxes full of items to send to our soldiers.

Kate Simonson benefit: Please continue to send in sports related items for the Kate Simonson benefit. We don't have much in our basket yet. These items are due on Dec. 1. Also, take note of the order form that came home last week for clothing sales. As part of the benefit for Kate, they are selling Bronco clothing.

No new words this week for spelling or vocabulary!

Mark your calendar:
No school Wed-Friday of this week.
Early out Dec. 1.
Dec. 8: Bowling outing for PE. Please have your money here before this day!
December 15: early out
RC quiz #7 due
December 21: PE bowling outing #2
December 22-January 2: No school for winter break

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Wow, the spelling test today wasn't our finest. Tomorrow we will be looking at the scores and specifically what words were missed. The kids will bring them home and RE study for a retake on Monday. If they got 75% or higher they do not have to retake.

Reading response for homework.

Homerow coloring sheet for technology. We'll be heading to the lab tomorrow for some homerow practice! The links are on the wiki if the kids want to practice at home as well.

pb147 due for reading.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Spelling test tomorrow. The kids didn't have time to study today during class due to the early out, so they NEED to study at home tonight!

Reading review...pick any of the sentence starters. Use complete sentences on the back of the paper for the answers.

Mrs. Smidt...is on week 4 of her 8 week student teaching assignment. She is currently teaching all subject matter except large group reading, writing, and technology. When we get back from Thanksgiving break she will teach full time for that week. Then the following week we will split teaching time 1/2 and 1/2. Week 8 I will take back the entire class. Her last day will be December 17. The kids and I are really enjoying having Mrs. Smidt in our classroom!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Early out tomorrow for teacher inservice day.

RC quiz #6 was due yesterday.

Vocab quiz was taken today. The kids got their results back.

Reading response due tomorrow. Much better results today. Most of the kids had them ready to go before class started :)

Worksheet for language arts over plural nouns. Front and back due tomorrow.

Remember your donations for the soldiers and the Kate Simmonson benefit.

Monday, November 15, 2010


Reading: Reading response and read 15
We are still working on our theme: Give it all you've got. This week our concentration is on a famous female astronaut, Mae Jemison. Our strategy focus is on picking out the theme/topic of an article.

Vocabulary: test tomorrow

Writing: The kids handed in their courage essay today. (Well most of them did :)) Tomorrow we will begin an writing about dreams.

SRI test was given today!

Spelling test will be on Thursday.

Grammar: We are working together on singular and plural nouns today.

Early out on Wed.

Remember to send in items for soldiers and for our Kate Simonson basket.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Caring project for Kate Simonson

As a school, we have decided to do a "caring" project over the months of November and December. This year, our project is making baskets for the silent auction at the Kate Simonson benefit. The 5th grade baskets will be along the lines of a sports themed basket. We are asking for your help. If you wish to participate, please send any sports related items to school by December 1. We have included a list of ideas below; these are suggestions of the types of things that could go in the baskets. If you would prefer to send a donation of money, we could use that to purchase items for the baskets.

Thank you for your caring support,
Mrs. Haugen and Mr. Meyer

Team t-shirts, sweathshirts or memorabiliar
football, basketball, baseball, golf supplies
team caps
jump rope
trading cards
team stickers
college/professional team pens/pencils/ offic supplies

Reading incentive for November

Each year the members of the Pierce-Zieger Veterans of Foreign War Auxiliary collect items to be shipped to our area service men and women. These ladies plan to mail the collected items by the end of November in hopes that the packages will reach the members of our armed forces by Christmas. This is truly an honorable project and we wish to have the students at Jacobson show their support by collecting specific items. Next week....paper goods, personal care items, or nonperishable food items. Thank you for your support.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Reading response and read 15 minutes.

practice book 130 (you can use a dictionary)

I will be out of the school on Thursday at a meeting. If you need something, Mrs. Smidt and a substitute will be in my room, so give them a call.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Veteran's Day essay: Due tomorrow. This essay can be written or typed. 100-150 words. The topic is...My visions for our country's future.

Reading: Reading response and read 15

Vocab: We took the test today. New words tomorrow!

Spelling: test tomorrow

Grammar: Book page / Abstract noun

Monday, November 8, 2010


November reading incentive: Our November reading program involves STAR service men and women. We are including our military in our reading during this month of Veteran's Day. This week we are collecting personal cleaning supplies and office supplies for these men and women. If you have anything that you would be willing to donate in either of these categories, please send it to school this week.

Book orders: due Friday! Remember you can order on paper, or online.

Reading: reader's response and read 15 minutes. The kids were given a list of who was behind in quizzes passed. Please ask your child where they stand on number of quizzes passed.

Vocabulary test tomorrow.

Spelling test Wednesday.

Writing: The Veteran's Day essay is due on Wednesday. 100-150 on What are your visions for our countries future....

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Have a great 3 day weekend! Thank you to all of you who stopped in for conferences tonight. It was great to see such a nice turn out. Please remember that you don't have to wait for conferences to come in and visit, or ask questions!

There is a pretty large list of assignments below, but most of the kids finished the majority of them today during class.

Reading: Reading response
Please make sure your child has passed quiz #4. Quiz #5 will be here before you know it (Nov 15).
Story map for La Bamba

Vocabulary: Vocabulary chart
Choose a word from this week's list of La Bamba vocab words.

Spelling: Rainbow words

Writing: Get a good start on your Veteran's Day essay. My visions for our country's future are.....

Meyer's group: Pen pal letters

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Thanks to those of you who came to conferences last night! Those of you who couldn't make it last night, I hope to see you tomorrow.

Reading response is their only assignment for tonight!

Monday, November 1, 2010


Reading: Reading response question (on notebook paper again)

Vocab: We took tests today. New words tomorrow.

Spelling: We got our new words today. The test will be sometime next week.

Language: Wrapped up our compound sentences unit with a skills tests. I will share the results of this quarter's skill tests with you all at conferences.

Writing: Work on your Veteran's Day essay. This isn't due until next week.

Early out tomorrow and Wednesday
Conferences Tuesday and Thursday
No school Friday!