Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Copy of a note coming home on Friday

Conferences are being held next Tuesday and Thursday.  In case you were not aware, the 5th and 6th grade conferences are not scheduled. You are invited to stop by any time during our set conference hours.
*Tuesday: 2:00-6:00
*Thursday 4:00-8:00

You are also invited to visit with ANY of the three teachers, not just your child’s homeroom teacher.  We each have the children for equal amounts on time in a day!  Just a reminder, if you are wondering how your child is doing in reading or language, stop by and see me.  If you are wondering about math or science, Mrs. Mick.  If you are interested in social studies or exploratory, see Ms. Bram.  See one or all of us, it is up to you.

Sometimes there is a short wait to see the teacher of your choice.  With 69 students, our conferences will need to be fairly short, 10 minutes or less. If you would prefer to conference over the phone, you are always welcome to give me a call.  I am also available before school most days from 7-8:00.  The kids are at specials from 9:50-10:25, and I could meet then as well. Lastly, I am available most days from 3:30-4:00. Our communication is vital to your child’s education, and I want to make it as convenient for you as I can.

On another note, there are a lot of things coming up in the next few weeks.  Please mark your calendars.
22: Haugen's group kayak trip
23: Conferences 2-6
Mick's group kayak trip
Dismiss 1:45
24: Bram kayak trip
25: Haugen kayak trip
4-8 conferences
26: No school
29: Mick kayak
PJ day for homecoming
Pep rally
30: Bram kayak
Black day for homecoming
1: Early out for inservice
Wacky day for homecoming
2: Favorite sports team day
3: Spirit day
9: math night for elementary parents, at the high school


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