Thursday, October 22, 2015

Bullying prevention week

Next week is bullying prevention week at Jacobson.
Monday we will be having an assembly.
Tuesday will be buddies not bullies day.  We'll be working with a buddy classroom to do an activity.
Wednesday wear orange, we will be doing a community service project that day. (cleaning up trash)
Friday is say BOO to bullying.

Counselor Johnson is also conducting a random acts of kindness day.  Please see the note below:

Jacobson Families:

In an effort to stop bullying and promote Kindness, Jacobson Elementary will be hosting a “Random Acts of Kindness Day” during Anti-Bullying week. This gives students the opportunity to do something kind for another person and to build intrinsic motivation to do kind things for others. We hope that completing an act of kindness will help students choose this behavior more often.
We ask parents to help your child think of a Random Act of Kindness to be carried out at school. This act should not cost any money, but is something that will make the day a bit brighter for someone else. There are some examples below. There are also many websites with great ideas on them.

1.       Write a thank you note to your custodian showing your gratefulness.
2.       Play with someone new at recess.
3.       Place positive notes around the school.
4.       Donate books you no longer need.
5.       Write a thank you note to someone you look up to.
6.       Compliment at least 5 people.
7.       Write a compliment in a note to someone.
8.       Draw a picture for your favorite teacher.
9.       Tell the principal how great your teacher is.
10.    Let someone go ahead of you in line.

11.    Hold the door open for someone.
12.    Write a note to your bus driver.
13.    Hold the door open for a whole class.
14.    Greet other students at the door.
15.    Give high fives to people at recess.
16.    Help someone carry their things if their hands are full.
17.    Offer to help your teacher with something.
18.    Donate a used coat to someone in need.
19.    Say sorry to someone you may have hurt.
20.    Thank and compliment the lunch ladies.

Please discuss this with your child and fill out the form below. Each form received back will be entered into a drawing for a special prize. Counselor Johnson will also be interviewing those who were a recipient of a random act of kindness. We appreciate your help with this unique project!
Student Name:
Parent Name:
Act of Kindness:
What I hope the other person feels:

Please return this form to your classroom teacher by Thursday for a chance to be entered into our drawing!


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