Thursday, December 8, 2016


A reminder, we are collecting food for the food pantry.  The kids brought a note home at the beginning of the week.

Make sure you are reading your 20 minutes each night.  Students will begin using a reading log for at home reading, after Christmas break, to help make sure they are doing their homework.  Parents will be asked to sign the log each night. This isn't to be an inconvenience, but it really helps kids to realize that reading their minutes each night is a homework assignment, not just something to be skipped!

Casey at Bat poem and questions

Science study guide- Our test will be on Monday, but it is an open note test.  As long as the kids have their Earth cycle notes, they should be fine.  We'll check over the study guide tomorrow, and they can study it over the weekend, just to help with the test!

Remember, we don't have spelling test this week.  We are concentrating on homophones!  We'll test next week.


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