Monday, January 31, 2011


SNow, Snow, Snow...
Well, thanks to the snow, we only got 1/2 of our day completed today. I never got to meet with the afternoon groups. For this reason, the only assignments for today are the reading response and re-study for your vocab test that was going to be today :) Don't be too disappointed kids, we'll do the work tomorrow!!

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Vocabulary test MONDAY
Crossword puzzle: Do your best. We should be able to do the 11 that are this week's vocabulary words. The others are words we've done in our daily vocabulary review. They are a little harder.

RC quiz #9 due Monday
reading response

Meyer's group: final draft of hero paper due Monday

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Some days just need a few more hours in them! Today was one of them. The kids were BUSY today!

Reading: We finished our story and will be taking a short quiz tomorrow. Reading response due tomorrow. RC quiz due on Monday.

Vocabulary: test Monday

Spelling: test tomorrow

Writing: We are writing about our heros. I am so pleased with the thought the kids are putting into these. Some of them are "tear jerkers". The introduction and first paragraph are due tomorrow. Most of the kids finished both of these items in class today.

Grammar: Meyer's class: p 25 and 33 worksheets and door pass

Technology: Haugen's homeroom kids have been working on a couple of computer skills this week. They were tested on their ability to log in, bring up the internet, locate the B-K web page, find a teacher blog, and then find their spelling words. LOTS of steps to this activity.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Reading: Reading response
We are working on inference this week in our daily reading review time. Our strategy this week is Monitor your understanding and reread to clarify.

Vocabulary: Check out those new words on the wiki.
Fill in the blank CLOZE

Spelling: Word families and ABC word order

Grammar: Adjective web

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I was out of the district today for a couple of dentist/doctor appointments, so these are the assignments I gave out substitute to do. He may not have gotten to all of them, so go with what the kids say tonight!

Reading: reading response
They worked on the differences between reading a newspaper article and reading a fiction story.

Spelling: test Friday
Word families for 10 of the words

Vocabulary: kids got the new words today. The test will be on Monday

Book orders were due today, but since I wasn't there, they can still come tomorrow.

Monday, January 24, 2011


Due tomorrow...

Reading response
p358 for the kids that didn't do well on their Mariah Keeps Cool test
pen pal for Meyer's kids

I will not be in school tomorrow, as I have a couple of doctor's appointments. Mr. Andrews will be my substitute.

New spelling and vocabulary words will be posted tomorrow on the WIKI.

Book orders due tomorrow.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Reading: Reading response
problem/solution worksheet pb4

Vocabulary: Test Monday, check out the wiki for words

Spelling: We'll be getting new words on Monday.

Writing: We have finished writing our biographies are continuing to share them with the class.

Box tops: Please remember to keep saving your box tops and Campbell's soup labels.

Things to note:
I will be gone on Tuesday, so there will be a substitute in my room on that day.
January 31: RC quiz #9 due
Feb. 2: Early out

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Reading response due tomorrow.

Spelling test tomorrow.

Book orders due Tuesday.

Biography due tomorrow.

Pen pal letters (Meyer's) due Monday.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Star lab: We visited the star lab today with Charlie Bray. Although many of the kids have seen it before, we can always learn something new. They really seemed to enjoy it and had TERRIFIC behavior. I was very impressed. Click on star lab to take you to a video about Orion, whom we learned about today.

Reading response due tomorrow.

Spelling test Friday.

Martin Luther King packet due tomorrow.

Biography due tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Technology: We have been in the lab the last few days typing our autobiographies. The kids are doing a great job! We will be adding pictures to them on Thursday, and then presenting them on Friday!

Reading: We have spent the last couple of days working on some reading assignments dealing with Martin Luther King Jr. These assignments deal with various reading skills. The kids seem to really be enjoying working at their own pace through these acitvities. While they are working, I am working with small groups.

Vocabulary: Test Monday

Spelling: Test Friday

The only assignment for tonight is the reading response!

Pack the gym: How could I forget? The 5th graders won the pack the gym event on Friday at the walking program! I am very proud of them!!

Cliques: We watched a short video today on good and bad cliques, and their place in schools. We had some very interesting discussions around this topic!

Monday, January 17, 2011


Due to our late start today, we didn't get much done in reading this morning :) I did get a new reading response sheet out to the kids. Some of the kids got a pink sheet that will require a parent signature on it. If the kids went down for the second time on their SRI or are 2 or more books behind on their RC quizzes they will have to start getting a parent signature nightly after they read. If they forget to have them signed, they will have to stay in and read at recess and I'll sign their response. The only way to become a better reader is to READ!

Spelling test will be Friday!
Vocabulary test will be Monday!

Lab: We are working in the computer lab in the afternoons this week. We are typing our biographies and working on the wiki.

CPI: We just finished another set of skills test in reading/language. I am meeting in small groups with any students who didn't pass the skills from this unit.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Sorry about the missed post last night, just plumb tired after a whole day back :)

Reading: reading response due tomorrow. This is the last day on the blue sheet. We'll get a new response sheet on Monday. No reading response for the weekend. We're moving on to a new unit in reading. The kids just finished our theme on the American Revolution. The did a great job on the strategies in this unit!
Our main strategy of study the week has been main idea and supporting details.

RC quiz due on Monday. If all of the kids are caught up with 9 quizzes by the end of January, we are having a movie "party" one of the first afternoons in February. Come on kids, it's too cold to go outside anyway :)

Character activity due tomorrow.

SRI test tomorrow.

Vocabulary: new words today. Check the wiki for an updated list and the date of the next test.

Spelling: new words today. Check the wiki for an updated list and test date.
Syllable activity due tomorrow.

Writing: first draft of biography due tomorrow

Grammar: Verb tense activity today, no assignment

Friday: We will be taking a large end of the sememster test on Friday. I told the kids that if they'd like to bring a SMALL, HEALTHY snack to eat during our test, they can. NOT a requirement, just an option!

Pack the gym day tomorrow, all students to the gym. Let's try and beat those 4th graders this month :) They seem to win nearly every month.

Monday, January 10, 2011


Another lovely day outside :) Actually, other than the drive, I love the snow. Several things had to be changed due to our early out today. The only homework the kids have for me is their read and reading response.

Spelling test has been moved to tomorrow.

Vocab test will still be tomorrow.

RC contest: If all of the kids have their required 9 RC quizzes passed by the last day of January, we will have a movie in the afternoon at the beginning of Feb. Some kids are caught up, but many have been slacking in this area in the last month or so.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Reading: Quiz tomorrow over James Forten story.
Reading response

Vocabulary: Backwards crossword puzzle

Spelling: Test Monday

Writing: introductory paragraph for biography (3-5 sentences)

Next quiz due the 15th.

Jugglers in the gym tomorrow morning before school.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Reading: reading response and read 15 minutes
We are working on main idea and details this week. Coming up with both the main idea of a paragraph and which details go with it is proving to be difficult for the kids. We may make this a 2 week unit.

Vocabulary: Picture dictionary
Check the wiki for the new list of words (Test next Tuesday)

Spelling: word families
Test Monday

Grammar: worksheet 35

Writing: Ask interview questions

RC: next quiz is due Jan.15
Anyone who is more than one quiz behind will be staying in for recess to get caught up.