Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Homework for tonight:
Read 20- our second book was due today.  If book 2 isn't passed today, kids need to stay in for recess to catch up.  If children are reading each night for 20 minutes and using their 15 minutes of independent reading time in class efficiently, they can pass 2 books per month.  Reading is necessary to become a better reader....period! The next quiz will be due on October 15th. 

Mick and Haugen's homeroom kids have a volcano story and questions due tomorrow.

Bram's kids have practice book p51.

Tomorrow is Wacky Wednesday for Homecoming. It is also an early out day.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Homecoming video link

Homecoming video link


We had a couple of quizzes today, so no homework tonight!

Vocabulary test tomorrow! 

Tomorrow is Black out day for Homecoming.  Please wear your black clothing.  I will be out of the district at a meeting in Ames tomorrow, so if you have any questions, please call Ms. Bram or Mrs. Mick.

Saturday, September 27, 2014


Please keep a close eye on planners and the blog this week.  We are packed FULL this week.
A big thank you to all of you who came to conferences this week.  We really appreciated seeing you all.  You are so important to your child's education.  It is a TEAM effort.  If you didn't make it, and would like to discuss your child's progress, please give me a call or email.  I will be sending paperwork home with the children who didn't make it to conferences, as well.

PJ day for Homecoming
Pep rally at 9:00
Kayaking Mick's crew

Classroom plans:
Spelling test
Study for our vocabulary test (Tuesday)
Haugen and Mick's homeroom will be taking the Volcano comprehension test
Bram's homeroom kids will be reading the story for the next two days.
Pop quiz (SHH don't tell) over text features (bold print, headings, titles, captions...)
Introduction to our unit on nouns
Writing and correcting incomplete sentences (fragments)

Tune in Monday night to see what's coming on Tuesday! 

Thursday, September 25, 2014


Just a reminder, conferences are tonight from 4-8.  Remember, if you do not have time to wait, but would like to have a conference, please get a hold of us and set up another time that we could visit!  We hate to make you wait, but with unscheduled conferences, sometimes that does happen.  Our situation in 5th and 6th grade, is different than lower elementary.  We are set up like a middle school.  Each of us teaches a different subject.  Due to that...we can't schedule you a time, or you'd only get to speak to your homeroom teacher. Remember, you are NOT required to see each one of us.  That is totally up to you.

NO school tomorrow!

Homework for the weekend:
READ: the next quiz is due on Monday
Spelling worksheets: All of Bram's group and anyone who didn't pass the pretest  for this week's words.

Monday: Volcano story test for Mick's and Haugen's group
Spelling test
PJ day
RC quiz due

Tuesday: Vocabulary test: play a study game by clicking HERE
Volcano story test for Bram's group
Black out day

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


So sorry there was no post last night.  Conferences ran straight through until 6:30. If you didn't make it last night, please feel free to stop in on Thursday.  I was so pleased with last night's turnout.  I had 40 student conferences in a 4 hour period.  WOW, that's a lot of you.  Please remember, as the note that I sent out last week said, if you don't want to wait to see us, please give me a call and I'll try and set up a time with you before school, during my lunch or specials break, or via phone.  I really want to have a chance to touch base with you all. It is a challenge to do unscheduled conferences, due to the uncertainty of how many people will come at once.  The reason we do this, is because your child has 3 teachers.  If we have scheduled times, you would only be able to conference with your child's homeroom teacher.  Also, please remember you are free to contact me ANY time.  Don't wait until conferences if you have any concerns or questions.

What's coming up the rest of the week?
We will be reading the volcano story today and tomorrow.  If we finish it today, we'll test tomorrow.  If not, we'll be waiting until Monday to test over it.

The kids will still be canoeing this week, so remember to have them wear "old" clothes on their day.

Next week:
Homecoming week: each day has a dress up theme, we will be attending a pep rally and parade
Monday: Spelling test
Tuesday: Vocabulary test

Monday, September 22, 2014


Just a reminder, the kids will be dismissed tomorrow at 1:45.  Conferences are from 2-6, and you can stop in any time.  Please remember that sometimes there is a small wait due to not having a scheduled time.  We find that it is still worth it to give you all the opportunity to meet with whichever of us you'd like.

Homework tonight: finish your Latin root words packet

Friday, September 19, 2014


Homework for the weekend:
Have your conferences sheet signed.
Mid term goal writing
Latin root word packet: next two pages

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Picture retake

Picture retake day is October 1.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Copy of a note coming home on Friday

Conferences are being held next Tuesday and Thursday.  In case you were not aware, the 5th and 6th grade conferences are not scheduled. You are invited to stop by any time during our set conference hours.
*Tuesday: 2:00-6:00
*Thursday 4:00-8:00

You are also invited to visit with ANY of the three teachers, not just your child’s homeroom teacher.  We each have the children for equal amounts on time in a day!  Just a reminder, if you are wondering how your child is doing in reading or language, stop by and see me.  If you are wondering about math or science, Mrs. Mick.  If you are interested in social studies or exploratory, see Ms. Bram.  See one or all of us, it is up to you.

Sometimes there is a short wait to see the teacher of your choice.  With 69 students, our conferences will need to be fairly short, 10 minutes or less. If you would prefer to conference over the phone, you are always welcome to give me a call.  I am also available before school most days from 7-8:00.  The kids are at specials from 9:50-10:25, and I could meet then as well. Lastly, I am available most days from 3:30-4:00. Our communication is vital to your child’s education, and I want to make it as convenient for you as I can.

On another note, there are a lot of things coming up in the next few weeks.  Please mark your calendars.
22: Haugen's group kayak trip
23: Conferences 2-6
Mick's group kayak trip
Dismiss 1:45
24: Bram kayak trip
25: Haugen kayak trip
4-8 conferences
26: No school
29: Mick kayak
PJ day for homecoming
Pep rally
30: Bram kayak
Black day for homecoming
1: Early out for inservice
Wacky day for homecoming
2: Favorite sports team day
3: Spirit day
9: math night for elementary parents, at the high school


READ is your only homework today.  Enjoy your early out afternoon!

Wednesday computer work

http://www.gamequarium.org/dir/Readquarium/Vocabulary/Prefixes/  Prefix game

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANXZpJTaozA Text features video

http://www.cccs.k12.in.us/userfiles/10/Subject%20and%20Predicate.swf Fling the teacher subject and predicate

http://quizlet.com/49200601/scatter vocabulary study game
https://quizlet.com/49200601/spacerace vocabulary game 2

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Haugen and Mick's groups:
Subject predicate worksheet
Read 20 minutes

Bram's group:
Next 2 pages in prefix packet
Read 20 minutes

Monday, September 15, 2014


Boy did I work those kiddos hard today!  I'll bet they sleep well tonight.  I am proud of them for sticking with it.  We have so much to accomplish this week.

Haugen's group and Mick's group: Finish prefix packet, subject and predicate worksheet front and back, and READ 20 minutes
Bram's group: work on the prefix pack, but it isn't due until Wednesday for you, subject and predicate worksheet, corrections on RC quiz over Eye of the Storm, and spelling corrections

REMEMBER, Wednesday is an early out.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Math meeting coming soon, parent teacher conferences as well

Mark your calendars:

September 17: Early out for teacher inservice

22: Haugen's group kayak trip

23: Conferences 2-6 (no scheduled time or teacher..meet with any of us)
      Mick's group kayak trip
      Dismiss 1:45
24: Bram kayak trip

25: Haugen kayak trip
       4-8 conferences

26: No school

29: Mick kayak
      PJ day for homecoming
      Pep rally

30: Bram kayak
      Black day for homecoming

1: Early out for inservice
    Wacky day for homecoming

2: Favorite sports team day

3: Spirit day

9: math night for elementary parents, at the high school

Eye of the storm 2 spelling and vocabulary

This week's words will not be coming from the story.  Our vocabulary this week are language related terms. The test will be Friday.

Eye of the Storm Week 2 vocabulary words
Infer: to make a good guess, read between the lines
analyze: break apart and study the pieces of something
compare: tell how things are alike
contrast: tell how things are different
revise: change
brochure/pamphlet: a small piece of text that explains the details of a certain place/thing
guide words: words that are at the top of a dictionary page, help guide you to the word you are looking for
syllables: part of a word with a vowel sound in it, helps to spell and sound out words
subject: part of a sentence that tells you who or what did something

predicate: part of a sentence that tells you what the subject did (verb)

This week's spelling will not be tested.  We are going to work on some word study words.  We'll be concentrating on phonics, prefixes, and suffixes.  

Thursday, September 11, 2014


Vocabulary test tomorrow!

Read 20 minutes: our first RC quiz over independent reading books is due Monday!

Early out movies

The kids are bringing a note home today regarding the public library.  They are offering a movie time on the the Wednesdays that we get out early between Sept. 17-Nov 5.  It begins at 1:30 at the Talbot Public Library.  It's for kids in K-6th grade.  Give them a call if you have any questions 641-444-4160.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Homework tonight: Subject and predicate worksheet (2 sides)
Read 20 minutes

Spelling test Thursday
Vocab test Friday

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Homework tonight:
Read 20 minutes: remember the first quiz of the month is due Sept. 15

Lesson for Tuesday

https://www.spellingcity.com/kendrahaugen/ Spelling practice

http://dynamo.dictionary.com/350430/eye-of-the-storm-vocabulary# Vocab games


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7SP5Eaowuo  Warren Faidley video

http://www.classtools.net/education-games-php/venn_intro/ Venn diagram maker

Monday, September 8, 2014


Reading: We began our new story today. Mrs. Haugen's homeroom needs to finish reading the story tonight and be ready to quiz over it tomorrow.  The kids also have a storm chaser story to read and answer the questions on.

Spelling/Vocabulary: Test over spelling words is on Thursday and vocabulary is on Friday.  We spent some time reviewing them today, and I think they have them down pretty well already.  We also took a look at the prefix intra. Homework: finish guide word worksheet.

Grammar: We are working on our subject and predicate unit.  No homework in this class.

Friday, September 5, 2014


Spelling homework for kids who didn't pass the pretest: worksheet front and back

Upcoming tests:
Spelling Friday
Vocabulary Thursday

Read 20 minutes for everyone!  Remember....the first RC quiz is due the 15th of September.  A lot of kids have already read several books.  Keep up the good work!

Thursday, September 4, 2014


My online grading system is back up and working.  The kids are all entered and their grades are starting to accumulate.  It is really helpful for parents to keep an eye on their child's grades. If you have any questions about an assignment, ask your child first.  They may be able to answer your questions.  If not...please always feel welcome to contact your child's teachers at ANY time!

Today's homework:
Read 20 minutes

Spelling worksheet front and back is due Monday.  Students who missed 1 or 2 on the pretest do not have to do this particular assignment.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Book orders due tomorrow!

Homework: Picture Dictionary with this week's vocabulary words

Eye of the Storm spelling and vocabulary

We will not have a test over these words this week, because it is such  short one!  Look for a date for the tests in the next couple of days.

Eye of the Storm: Chasing Storms with Warren Faidley Vocabulary Definitions
1. collide - to come together with forceful impact.
2. funnel cloud - a storm that is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom.
3. jagged - having a ragged or pointed edge or outline.
4. lightning - the flash of light when electricity builds up in storm clouds.
5. prairies - large areas of flat or open grasslands.
6. rotate - to turn around on a center or axis.
7. severe - serious or extreme in nature.
8. sizzling - crackling or hissing with intense heat.
9. tornadoes - violent, whirling winds in funnel-shaped clouds that can cause great
10. occupation - a means of making a living, profession, or job.
11. updraft - current of air that flows upward.
12. conditions - situations that affect or influence an activity, event, etc.

Eye of the Storm: Chasing Storms with Warren Faidley Spelling Words
speech claim strike stray campaign
fade sign leaf thigh describe
thief height mild waist cease
sway beast stain fleet sacrifice
stride praise slight niece plight

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Tomorrow Bram and Mick's homeroom have a spelling pretest.  Remember kids, if you get an A on the pretest, you don't test Friday.

We will be taking our skills test tomorrow over Earthquake Terror.  Some of the kids brought home a reading book, to refresh their memory of the story.

Just a reminder that the kids need 2 RC books passed by the end of the month of Sept.

Tomorrow is an early out! 

Thursday- Book orders due