Thursday, January 31, 2013

Part 2 of the science study guide

17. What vessels take blood away from the heart?
18. What organs collect waste (2)?
Bladder and Large intestines
19. What is the name of the part of your body that your food goes into after it leaves your mouth?
20. Where is your femur?
21. Name 2 types of joint.
Hinge joint /ball and socket joint
22.  Name a cardiac muscle.
23. What do you call it when your muscles are tired?
24.  What is the job of your skin?
Protect your insides, regulate temperature, and get rid of waste in the form of sweat
25. What vessels bring blood back to your heart/lungs?
26. What are the tiniest blood vessels called?
27.  Which system gives your body shape?
28. Which system keeps you from getting sick?

29. Which system removes liquid waste?
30.  Which organ is a filter for liquid waste?
31.  What are the three kinds of muscles?
Skeletal, cardiac, smooth
32. Which kind of muscles do you control?
32.  Which kind of muscles don’t you control?
33. Why does your pulse go up after exercising?
Your body needs more oxygen
34. What is the smallest unit of life?
35.  What is the brain of the smallest unit of life?
36. What does the mitochondria do?
Provide your cells with energy

Part one of the science study guide/with answers

1.       Where does your food start in the digestive process?
2.       What would you find in your skeletal system?
3.       What is the job of the respiratory system?
4.       Name a skeletal muscle.
Bicep, tricep, quadracep….
5.       What is the largest organ in the integumentary system?
6.       How many chambers does the heart have?
7.       What organ holds your food for several hours before passing it on to other parts of your body?
8.       What is another name for patella?
9.       Which organ pulls and pushes on the lungs to help you breath?
1   Name a smooth muscle.
Any organ except the heart
1   Name the two item that make up the integumentary system with the skin.
Hair and nails
1   What is the major organ in the circulatory system?
1   Which organ is over 20 feet long?
Small intestine
1  What is another name for the skull?
   Are the lungs passive or active?  What does that mean?
Passive: they don’t do the majority of the work
1What is the job of the muscular system?
To help you move


Wow...this week is sure flying!  It's funny how a couple of snow days will really mess up your week!  The kids finally got their new words today.  I'm assuming the weather will cooperate for the next few days, so take a look at our calendar of events for the next week.  Lots of tests/quizzes/things due!

Friday: Dialogue writing assignment due
Cut and paste figurative language due
RC quiz #9 due
James Forten quiz today!

Monday: Science test

Tuesday: Figurative language test

Wednesday: Early out

Thursday: Spelling test

Friday: Vocabulary test

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


The kids had some fun doing Jazzercise today during PE.  I watched them for a little while.  They were really getting worn out!

This is going be a busy week, especially after we lost yesterday to the ice.  We have several tests coming up, but I'll be waiting on the dates until I see if our snow tonight turns into a late start tomorrow.  Science body system test will probably be Friday.  New spelling and vocabulary words will be coming out today and tomorrow, but we won't test over them this week.  Figurative language test will be either Friday or next week, we'll see. We'll also have a quiz over our story this week...James Forten.

Homework:  DRTA James Forten story packet
Final draft of dialogue story is due Thursday!

Friday, January 25, 2013


The kids were super today!  We had an hour with no electricity, we changed out of our gym clothes by flashlight, and they still were GREAT!

The only homework for the weekend is to study for Monday's vocabulary test.

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Homework today....configs spelling activity AND study for tomorrow's spelling test!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Fling the teacher links

Fling the teacher link
Version 2
Version 3

Use these to practice your figurative language skills!  We need the practice!

2 science worksheets
Vocabulary worksheet

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Homework tonight:
Alliteration with your name
Respiratory worksheet
Small words strategy activity

Monday, January 21, 2013


BRRR!  What a cold day.  The kid were inside for recess and before school today.  They get a little antsy when they can't get outside.

We have no homework due tomorrow.  The kids do have a partner writing activity that is due on Friday, but they have 15 minutes per day to work on it during class, and during study hall.  They should be able to get that done in no time.

Box top and soup label collecting has begun with Mrs. Haugen's homeroom.  It is easier for us to start before the contest begins, so please be on the look out for them when you are cooking supper.  Send them in any time.

New spelling words came out today and the test will be Friday.  They will get new vocabulary tomorrow with a test next Monday.

Friday, January 18, 2013


Yesterday's digestive system activity was really fun...and gross!  Ask your child to tell you about it.

We have a shadow student in our classroom during science time.  Miss Marisia is here for an hour a day helping the students and me.  Yesterday was her first day. 

We are learning about dialogue and figurative language in language arts right now.  These are both difficult skills to master.

Homework for the weekend:
Simile and metaphor drawing activity
Idiom worksheet
Study vocabulary words

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Metaphor worksheet

Study for your spelling test tomorrow!

Book orders due tomorrow for Haugen's homeroom.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Homework for tonight:
Some students have to do the questions after the Katie's Trunk story, if they didn't pass the quiz.

Simile worksheet

Book orders due on Friday for Haugen's homeroom.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


RC quiz #8 was due today.  Students who haven't passed the correct number of quizzes is required to read 15 pages per night, or stay in the next day at recess.

Book orders for Haugen's homeroom are due on Friday.

Spelling test Friday.  Vocabulary test on Monday.  The wiki is updated.

Homework: pb226 and 215

Tomorrow is an early out for teacher inservice.

Monday, January 14, 2013


BRRR... it sure was a cold day today!  Please make sure the kids are bringing hats, gloves, etc... 

Coat of Arms for Paul Revere
pb2525 Helping verb phrases with have

RC quiz #8 is due tomorrow.

Book orders are due on Friday for Haugen's homeroom.

Thursday, January 10, 2013


Homework for the weekend...

Remember there is no school tomorrow for the kids (just teachers).

Book orders went home today for Haugen's group.  They are due next Friday.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Study for spelling and vocabulary tests tomorrow!

Next RC quiz is due next week.

We are studying the body systems in science for the next few weeks.  Check out this link to a fun page of videos, in kid friendly terms, that are related to body systems.

Haugen's homeroom earned two rewards this week for reading BINGO.  They chose an hour of experiments and hot chocolate.  One of the experiments was making bouncy balls.  Some kids wanted me to post the directions to that, so here they are....
  1. Label one cup 'Borax Solution' and the other cup 'Ball Mixture'.
  2. Pour 2 tablespoons warm water and 1/2 teaspoon borax powder into the cup labeled 'Borax Solution'. Stir the mixture to dissolve the borax. Add food coloring, if desired.
  3. Pour 1 tablespoon of glue into the cup labeled 'Ball Mixture'. Add 1/2 teaspoon of the borax solution you just made and 1 tablespoon of cornstarch. Do not stir. Allow the ingredients to interact on their own for 10-15 seconds and then stir them together to fully mix. Once the mixture becomes impossible to stir, take it out of the cup and start molding the ball with your hands.
  4. The ball will start out sticky and messy, but will solidify as you knead it.
  5. Once the ball is less sticky, go ahead and bounce it!
  6. You can store your plastic ball in a sealed ziploc bag when you are finished playing with it.
  7. Don't eat the materials used to make the ball or the ball itself. Wash your work area, utensils, and hands when you have completed this activity.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Homework tonight:
Vocabulary fill in the blank activity

Ask your child about science today!  Boy did we have a great science class!

Monday, January 7, 2013


REMINDER...teacher inservice day on Friday, so the kids don't have class!

Skeleton reading/questions
Pen pal letter (Due Wednesday)
pb200 apostrophe questions

Sunday, January 6, 2013


Homework for the weekend:

Study spelling and vocabulary words.  Our spelling and vocab test will be Thursday, as there is no school for the kids on Friday.

Paul Revere questions

Draw a skeleton (worksheet)

Thursday, January 3, 2013



Root word packet:  these were started with a partner, but if not finished in the class time given, they have to split it up and finish on their own

Text the first 10 spelling words

New Year resolution writing

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Welcome back!  It seems like it has been a long time since we have all been together.  I hope you all had a great break.  Hopefully the weather will cooperate this winter and we won't miss too many days.  Those breaks are tough. The kids are either really excited today, or half asleep (some of both).

New Year's Day is a day for resolutions.  We talked about those today.  We discussed making changes to make 2013 even better than 2012.  The kids will be writing about a goal that they have for the new year.  Our classroom goals are: to waste less time, to have me read to them every day, and to read as many books as we can in the next two months.  We also want to continue to work on our hallway behavior.

Finish Revolutionary War posters, summaries
Science skin worksheet

RC quiz is due January 15- we skipped the December 31st quiz