Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Reading response

Skills test: We took part one of our weekly skills test today. The reading portion was on the skill of story structure. Today was the first time we have had 100% of both sections pass the skill! I'm very proud of the 5th graders. Keep up the good work kids!

Reading assembly: We presented our boxes of goods to the Veterans today. It was great to see all of the items that were donated! These items will now be sent to soldiers for the holidays.

December reading incentive: Each child was given a paper today dealing with our Dec. reading program. It is a picture of a gift. Each time the students read 20 minutes we are asking that you help by giving them a coin (ANY coin) to tape to the paper. Then, when they turn them in, the money will go to purchase books for the clinics, doctor's offices, Belmond.

This month's top reading 5th grade class was Mrs. Haugen's. Congratulations!

Caring caps on Friday: Bring some spare change on Friday if you want to wear a hat during the school day.

Book orders due on Tuesday.


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