Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Famous Iowan Project

Day 1: Mrs. Dickman and I explained the project in great detail to all 55 students together :) Each student picked a famous Iowan to research and then "be" in their speech. They had a list of 61 to chose from.

Day 2: The students were partnered up with a student from the opposite homeroom. That way they get to work with someone who they don't usually spend time with. We also tried our best to partner boys with girls whenever possible, to cut down on the chatter as much as possible. There is a limited amount of time to visit, as we have only a couple of days to research. Students researched their famous person and helped their research partner research theirs as well.

Day 3: Research continued today. Students now had to research important dates for a timeline they will be making later in the week. They also needed to pick a county that was important to their famous Iowan, and research some facts about that person.

Day 4: Early out today, so we only had 30 minutes. Research was finished up today on all famous people.

Day 5: Mrs. Dickman spent time with her group today creating timelines. The students are required to pick 7-10 important dates for their person. In my room we began writing our 5 paragraph speech in first person. Each paragraph should have 5-7 sentences and talk about various parts of the Iowan's life.

Day 6: Typing began and speech writing continued. Mrs. Dickman's group worked on portraits and timelines.

Day 7: We began to present our speeches today. 20 kids were scheduled to present. There were 6 who weren't prepared. They will be first on Thursday. Remember..prop and costume are required for full credit!

Day 8: More speeches!

Day 9: Last day of speeches. Grades and folders will be returned to the kids next week. Great work kids!


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