Monday, October 29, 2012

Science study guide for Friday's test

Students have a copy of the study guide for Friday's test, but just in case they lose it....

Natural resources,  Fossil fuel, atmosphere, and air pressure  study guide             

A natural resource is something that is helpful and taken from the earth.
A nonrenewable resource is takes thousands of years to replace.
An example would be a _rocks or minerals.
A renewable resource is a resource that is replaced as it is used.
An example would be _forest_.
A reusable resource is one that can be used more than once.
An example would be water .

Fossil fuels
Fossil fuels are formed by the remains  of once living animals.
Burning fossil fuels creates _energy.
Petroleum  is the fossil fuel that is used for transportation.
Methane  is the fossil fuel that is used for heating and cooking.
Methane is another word for natural  gas.
The 4 steps in coal formation (in order) are: peat, lignite bitumen, anthracite
Peat  is the cheapest stage of coal to retrieve because it is closest to the surface.
The rarest stage of coal is anthracite.

The layer of the atmosphere that weather occurs in is troposhere
The layer of the atmosphere that is the hottest is thermosphere
The layer of the atmosphere that planes fly in is stratosphere
The layer of the atmosphere that is cold is mesosphere

Air pressure
There are 3 things that affect air pressure: the acronym for these three things is HAT.
As humidity increases air pressure decreases.
As _altitude  increases air pressure decreases_____.  That means that at the top of a mountain there is  less air pressure than at the bottom.
T: temperature
Warm air has less pressure than cool air.
Hot = high  pressure
Cold= low  pressure                     
High pressure = cool temperature and clear skies.
Low pressure =precipitation and warm temperatures
A meteorologist is the scientific name for a weatherman/woman.
A baramoter  measures air pressure.


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