Wednesday, December 19, 2012


What a terrific day.  The kids had such a good time today, and were so well behaved.  I hope you all have a very happy, healthy, and fun break!  Teachers have training today, tomorrow, and Friday.  I'll be learning lots of terrific things to start out the new year with the kids.

No homework for the break, BUT they do need to be reading!  Next RC quiz is due January 15.

Monday, December 17, 2012


Vocabulary test tomorrow!

Persuasive paragraph part 2

Science notes due tomorrow

We will be reading for 20 minutes tomorrow to end our stamina in reading practice.  The kids asked if they could bring pillows for that.  That would be fine.  They will need to bring snacks/drink for our movie party on Wednesday as well.

Sunday, December 16, 2012


We began our unit on the body systems on Thursday.  The kids had a lot of fun learning about cells on Friday.  We made cells using baggies.  We put various items inside the cells and then took notes on what each item stood for.  So, if a gooey cell made its way home this weekend, you now know what it is!

Baggy: cell membrane
Mint: nucleus, the white inside was the nucleous
Mike and Ike: mitochondria
Yarn: chromosomes
Red hot: lysosomes
Gushers: golgi bodies
Noodles: vacuoles
Hair gel: cytoplasm

They really enjoyed this project!

Friday, December 14, 2012


Rewrites and late work due!

All other work was done in class today!  Have a great weekend!

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Homework for tonight:
*yes/ no persuasive chart
*spelling rewrites for people who got a D or F on their test
*finish science notes

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


No homework tonight! The kids had a pretty light day today with bowling and the program dress rehearsal (we got to watch). 

Remember there is an RC quiz due on Monday!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


We put on our second planet play today.  The kids did a terrific job both days.  They used the information they gathered in our planet unit to write the play themselves.  The kindergarteners really enjoyed it.  We have one more group to perform in front of on Friday. 

The next RC quiz is due on Monday.  There will not be one due at the end of December.  After Monday, our next quiz will be due January 15.  This should give some kids, who have fallen behind, a chance to catch up.

No homework tonight!

Vocabulary words on the wiki are the new ones.  We are testing over these on Tuesday.

Monday, December 10, 2012


Finish your capitalization packet
Science crossword due!

Sunday, December 9, 2012


Homework for Monday.....
2 pages in capitalization packet

We will be keeping the same vocabulary words this week, too!  Too hard and too little time to work on them.  We will not be getting new spelling words until after break.  We are going to be working on prefixes and suffixes during spelling time for the next couple of weeks.

Bowling Monday/Wednesday/Friday this week during our specials time.  The kids are allowed to bring a little spending money if they'd like.

No band or chorus this week on Wednesday or Thursday due to concert practices.

Plays:  The kids wrote plays with the information they learned during our planet unit in science.  They will be presenting them to the Kng and one Preschool group this week.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Spelling worksheet
2 capitalization worksheets
pb148-149 Bram's room

Our inservice meeting today dealt with bullying and harassment.  It was very informative.  There were a couple of things that I wanted to share with all of you regarding these topics.

One of the big topics was cyberbullying.  The link below is a helpful resource for parents of kids using Facebook.
A parent's guide to Facebook

Another thing I wanted to share with you is our procedure checklist that students use when deciding if they are being bullied.  This is hanging in various places around our building.

If all 5 of these items are happening, you need to tell your teacher or Counselor Johnson.
- the issue has happened over and over again over a period of time
-the same people are involved
-what happened to you was done on purpose
- it hurt your body, feelings, or both
- i have told an adult at school

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Spelling word families: write a word that is in the same word family as your spelling words
ex: believes- believe

Capitalization packet: Holiday and Countries pages
We are beginning a grammar review unit on capitalization. The students are familiar with most of these rules, but sometimes need to practice them again!

Haugen's group: main idea sheet

READ 30 minutes.  Students who are behind in RC quizzes need to read at least 15 pages tonight in order to get caught up.

Remember to bring your bowling money this week.

Monday, December 3, 2012


Mae Jemison Character card is today's only assignment!

Students who have not passes RC #6 need to read at least 15 pages of their books tonight!