Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Spelling worksheet
2 capitalization worksheets
pb148-149 Bram's room

Our inservice meeting today dealt with bullying and harassment.  It was very informative.  There were a couple of things that I wanted to share with all of you regarding these topics.

One of the big topics was cyberbullying.  The link below is a helpful resource for parents of kids using Facebook.
A parent's guide to Facebook

Another thing I wanted to share with you is our procedure checklist that students use when deciding if they are being bullied.  This is hanging in various places around our building.

If all 5 of these items are happening, you need to tell your teacher or Counselor Johnson.
- the issue has happened over and over again over a period of time
-the same people are involved
-what happened to you was done on purpose
- it hurt your body, feelings, or both
- i have told an adult at school


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