Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Read A Million Minutes....

This is the note that the kids are bringing home tomorrow...I know they don't always remember, so I thought I'd include it on the blog.

Dear families,

During the next four weeks your BK student will be challenged to "Change the World with a Book."  As educators at Jacobson, we encourage our students to read, knowing that it can change their lives.  Students who read are more successful students, and books open doors to new worlds.

Knowing the importance of reading, we would also like to help change the lives of students who may not have access to the wonder of books.  Here is where we are asking for your help in the coming month.

Each night that your child reads (we suggest a minimum of 15 minutes each evening), please put a piece of change on the reading sheet.  You can chose what coin you'd like to contribute.  Each Friday we will collect the record sheet and send a new one home with your child.  The change collected will be used to buy books for children in an orphanage in Uganda.  BK students will be working to "Change the World with a Book."  The class that collects the most money during our reading incentive program will select a special book to send to Uganda.  These students will sign their book, and a picture of the class will be enclosed.

During the 4 weeks of our program, students will have the opportunity to learn more about the children they will be helping.  Cody Kevin is serving in the military in Uganda, and in his spare time volunteers at a local orphanage.  We hope to SKYPE Cody Kevin to make this experience all the more real for our learners.  We have invited a speaker who has traveled to Africa to share her experiences with all of us.  In addition we have planned weekly activities where  students can experience African stories, crafts, foods, music, etc...We are very excited about this upcoming month.

We designed this reading incentive program to be a win-win for our BK learners.  They win when they read, and the students who they will help will also be winners.  We are hoping that our students learn the joy of giving, as well as learning about a new culture, and increasing our at home reading!


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