Friday, October 18, 2013

Spelling and Vocabulary words for Eye of the Storm

TEST for Vocabulary will be October 28th, Spelling will be next Friday!

Eye of the Storm: Chasing Storms with Warren Faidley Vocabulary

1. collide - to come together with forceful impact.
2. funnel cloud - a storm that is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom.
3. jagged - having a ragged or pointed edge or outline.
4. lightning - the flash of light when electricity builds up in storm clouds.
5. prairies - large areas of flat or open grasslands.
6. rotate - to turn around on a center or axis.
7. severe - serious or extreme in nature.
8. sizzling - crackling or hissing with intense heat.
9. tornadoes - violent, whirling winds in funnel-shaped clouds that can cause great
10. occupation - a means of making a living, profession, or job.
11. updraft - current of air that flows upward.
12. conditions - situations that affect or influence an activity, event, etc.

Eye of the Storm: Chasing Storms with Warren Faidley Spelling Words
speech claim strike stray campaign
fade sign leaf thigh describe
thief height mild waist cease
sway beast stain fleet sacrifice
stride praise slight niece plight


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