Thursday, February 6, 2014


Biography posters and projects are now finished, as well as our published writing!  We will begin giving our speeches next week.  The kids are going to work a couple of days on some of their speaking skills as well.  I'm very proud of their excitement and enthusiasm for this project.  There were so many standards that were being covered during this particular project, that I thought maybe they'd get a little frustrated. They didn't, they're still going strong!

Reminder...MAP testing begins next week on the 10th, 11th and 12th. Please make sure your children get a good night's sleep and breakfast each day before the tests. Also, please make sure your child gave you the notes about their upcoming concert and Valentine's Day parties!!  Also, a couple of classes have a reward coming up next week for DOJO points, and comprehension scores!

Write each spelling word twice.
Reread Yang the Second for those students who didn't pass the RC test the first time.


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