Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Upcoming trip to Des Moines

        The fifth grade students will be heading to Des Moines for Exercising your Character.  This is an excellent program where famous Iowans come and speak to the kids about the importance of exercise, and also the importance of being a person of good character. Speakers this year are: Kirk Ferentz, Paul Rhoads, Tim Dwight ( former NFL player from Iowa), Casey Blake (former MLB player from Iowa), and Hunter Kemper as the emcee.
There will be loud, peppy music, and dancing! Everyone will get a free t-shirt to wear that day. The students will receive a free lunch and we will stop and eat at a park on the way home. (Some students find that the healthy lunch isn’t quite enough to get them through the day, so if they want to bring an extra snack for the day, that is fine).
This is an amazing experience that we can’t wait to share with the kids again this year. 
Mark your calendar for April 29, 2014! We’ll be leaving right away in the morning, and will be back before dismissal!
Please get ahold of one of the 5th grade teachers, or Mrs. Kern, if you have any questions.
-Ms. Bram, Mrs. Haugen, Mrs. Kern, and Mrs. Mick


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