Thursday, September 25, 2014


Just a reminder, conferences are tonight from 4-8.  Remember, if you do not have time to wait, but would like to have a conference, please get a hold of us and set up another time that we could visit!  We hate to make you wait, but with unscheduled conferences, sometimes that does happen.  Our situation in 5th and 6th grade, is different than lower elementary.  We are set up like a middle school.  Each of us teaches a different subject.  Due to that...we can't schedule you a time, or you'd only get to speak to your homeroom teacher. Remember, you are NOT required to see each one of us.  That is totally up to you.

NO school tomorrow!

Homework for the weekend:
READ: the next quiz is due on Monday
Spelling worksheets: All of Bram's group and anyone who didn't pass the pretest  for this week's words.

Monday: Volcano story test for Mick's and Haugen's group
Spelling test
PJ day
RC quiz due

Tuesday: Vocabulary test: play a study game by clicking HERE
Volcano story test for Bram's group
Black out day


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