Friday, November 1, 2013

Spelling and Vocabulary words for Volcano

Volcanoes Vocabulary Definitions (test November 11)
1. cinders - partly burned pieces of coal or wood.
2. crater - a bowl-shaped area at the mouth of a volcano.
3. crust - the hard outer layer of earth.
4. eruption - a volcanic explosion or large flow of lava.
5. lava - hot melted rock that flows from a volcano.
6. magma - molten rock underneath the earth’s surface.
7. molten - made liquid by heat.
8. summit - the top of the mountain.
9. century - period of 100 years.
10. billowy - surging or swelling like a great wave.
11. composite - made up of distinctly different parts.
12. weathered - to change through or as through exposure to the elements, as by
roughening, warping, fading, or darkening.

Volcanoes Spelling Words (test next Friday)
thrown stole clue dew subdue 
choose rule boast cruise pursuit 
stroll route mood loaf molten 
growth youth slope bruise reproach 
loose rude flow flute presume 


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